
Melissa, young girl, full of life. Her psychologist will say that she had no suicidal tendencies. In a relationship for 5 months, her partner is described as possessive, jealous, authoritarian, with a habit of belittling, humiliating and threatening. The girl, then 23 years old, committed suicide by jumping from the second floor of a building...
Melissa Perrot
23 years old
A nurse, Adeline was 34 years old and 4 months pregnant with her partner, with whom she had been in a relationship for almost 3 years. The young woman sent an email to her companion on June 17, 2019, 2 months before she committed suicide...
Adeline P.
34 years old
Odile, 50 years old, married since April 30, 2011. Since her marriage, those close to her describe a loss of joie de vivre, a depressed, extinct and withdrawn personality. They also describe signs of control and domination exercised over her by her partner. After 10 years of suffering visible to all and an isolation resulting from a situation of strong control, Odile takes action and ends her life...
50 years old
Maëlle, 14 years old, victim of school harassment and revenge porn. She ended her life on January 31, 2020...
14 years old
Policewoman in Waremme, killed her daughter, tried to kill her son, made a suicide attempt, then committed suicide the following year after being interned...
A policewoman
At the age of 18, Fabienne met Marc, her first intimate partner. After a three-year relationship, she realizes that she doesn't like it when Marc insists on having sex with her. She is afraid of his reaction, because every time she refuses, Marc insults her, denigrates her and yells at her. She made 3 suicide attempts...
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