All of the above methods of managing or minimising self-harm scars should be accompanied with the appropriate therapy or mental health treatment recommended by a specialist. Criticism, yelling, threats or accusations may increase the risk of self-injuring behavior. Offer support, praise efforts to express emotions in healthy ways and try to spend positive time together. Dialectical behavior therapy, a type of CBT that teaches behavioral skills to help you handle distress, manage or regulate your emotions, and improve your relationships with others. Having a hard time controlling, expressing or understanding emotions may lead to self-injury. The mix of emotions that triggers self-injury is complex.

Anxiety Disorders and Anxiety Attacks

One ex always told me to wear long sleeves around our friends because he didn’t want them to see recent cuts and think I’d done it because of him. A few have looked me deeply in the eyes and said, “Please don’t do it again. For me.” Others have kissed my scars and said they’re beautiful, which honestly makes me throw up a bit.

If they have not sought out care, continue to ask about it and offer to help them find a mental health professional. Self-injury indicates a lack of coping skills for dealing with severe emotional distress. People who self-harm may struggle to understand and manage their emotions.

I self-harmed for years, and my arms and legs bore the scars. So I made the decision to cover up the past with something beautiful. The use of guided imagery as an intervention in addressing nonsuicidal self-injury.

Telling people about your struggle with self-harm is intimate and scary because you never know what their reaction will be. If you want to ask your friend questions, make sure it’s OK that you talk about it; please don’t assume they want to even after telling you about it. It’s OK to have questions, and it’s OK for your friend to say they’d rather not discuss it, they just needed you to know. It’s great that they have opened up to you, but you are not a mental health professional so can only help so much.

In fact, more often than not, thereisno end to recovery—recovery is an ongoing journey rather than a clear destination. Emotional boundaries are important for both partners in the relationship. Your partner may not want to talk about their scars or history of self-harm, and that’s okay. Whether they are open to discussing it or not, you should respect those boundaries.

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Not all kinds of self-injury are public pleas for attention, though. “Typically self- harm tends to be a very private and shameful behavior,” says Ilona Váró, a psychotherapist in Los Angeles. Individuals prefer to keep this behavior a secret for as long as possible, Váró explains. If you do engage in a discussion about it, offer them the space to open up about underlying emotions causing their self-harm, rather than solely focusing on the scars. At Augmentive, we have several specialists that can offer support in this area, and our free 15 minute consultation can help match the person with the best therapist for their specific needs.

Why I Got Tattoos to Cover My Self Harm Scars

In the moment, self-harm may make the person feel better. And the scars make them want to hide their bodies out of fear of being stared at, judged, or ridiculed by others. Have you ever looked at someone and noticed a series of scars on their wrists? Did you make a face or pass judgement about that person without knowing who they are or what they’re going through? If you think someone may take their own life and is in immediate danger, the quickest way to get help is to call an ambulance . Please note that Augmentive offers non-emergency services.

Studies show that young people who experience race-based harassment or bullying are more likely to injure themselves. In fact, one small study in Mississippi found that African American boys were the group most likely to self-harm. There are physical signs, too, like unexplained injuries, cuts and burns, or wearing long-sleeve shirts and long pants even when it’s hot outside. Worsening feelings of shame, guilt and low self-esteem. Having friends who intentionally harm themselves makes it more likely for someone to begin self-injuring.

And loving a self-harming partner is its own unique challenge, too, that often requires a little extra help to navigate successfully. Feelings of frustration, helplessness, distress, guilt—all are possible side effects of being in a relationship with a self-harming partner, and all can be extremely difficult to cope with on your own. It’s common for people who self-harm to downplay the seriousness of their excessive drinking, bingeing, purging, starving, cutting, or other addictive behaviors. They also may underestimate or even be oblivious to the impact their actions have on them and on your relationship. Some people are in full denial about their behaviors, even when you have solid, objective evidence that confirms what they have been doing. When your loved one is invested in continuing a behavior, they may act in ways that are selfish and even attempt to “protect” their actions by lying to you.

If you’re too nervous to talk in person, consider starting off the conversation with an email, text, or letter (although it’s important to eventually follow-up with a face-to-face conversation). Don’t feel pressured into sharing things you’re not ready to talk about. You don’t have to show the person your injuries or answer any questions you don’t feel comfortable answering. The bottom line is that cutting and self-harm won’t help you with the issues that made you want to hurt yourself in the first place. No matter how lonely, worthless, or trapped you may be feeling right now, there are many other, more effective ways to overcome the underlying issues that drive your self-harm.

To talk about mental health in a private, judgement-free zone, join our Mentally Yours Facebook group. For many people, self-harm is actually the lesser of two evils if they’re in such a deeply distressed place that they are considering suicide. People self-harm for a variety of complex reasons, but it’s usually as a response to extreme emotional distress.

Negative and non-confrontational communication in a relationship can lead to poorer mental and physical health for both you and your partner. Sleep disturbances and their association with mental health among women exposed to intimate partner violence. Whether you’re just beginning to notice the first signs of narcissistic manipulation or still trying to make sense of an abusive relationship you’ve already left, therapy can help you begin healing.


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