Lois later dies in an earthquake caused by Lex Luthor in the climax of the first film. Superman is so distraught by her death that he flies around the globe at supernatural speed, travelling backward in time and preventing the earthquake from occurring, saving Lois’ life. The characters’ relationship was based for a long time in a love triangle in which Clark was interested in Lois who was smitten with the superhero Superman.

Lois, seeing Clark lying dead in the street, desperately tried to revive him by removing the blue kryptonite knife from his chest and then hid nearby to watch him recover, to her relief and joy. Still coming to terms with the fact that Clark was the Blur, Lois uncovered archived articles of Clark’s heroics in his youth as well as discovering the new costume that Martha had left for Clark. Lois was saddened that she was the last to know, but arranged to meet Clark later to discuss their relationship. When Clark arrived, meaning to reveal his feelings and possibly his secret to Lois, she mentioned that Perry White offered her a job in Africa and that she would turn it down for Clark. Clark, taken back by this and knowing his intentions to leave with the other Kryptonians, decided to keep his secrets although Lois, desperate for the truth, claimed that they needed to be honest with one other. Clark denied multiple times that he was hiding anything from her and encouraged Lois to take the job.

This is evident in “Nemesis” when Lana manipulates her way into seeing Lionel, only to interrogate him about why he forced her to marry Lex, as well as leaving Lex to die in the tunnels. As Gough explains, by the end of the sixth season, Lana has shown that she can beat Lex at his own games. You know how dads are always like, “I’d take a bullet for you!

Lana and Sarah fighting escalated pretty quickly in the episode as both characters lost control. I feel both parties were wrong in that situation, two wrongs don’t make a right. Sarah shouldn’t have talked back to her Mum or said that’s why she got cheated on, that was really cruel and insensitive. Sarah was https://loveconnectionreviews.com/ also in the wrong for lying about going to Metropolis , Kyle even tells her everyone else’s parents knew where they went so they didn’t get grounded. Lana immediately knew what she did was wrong when she lost her temper and she didn’t justify it either, quickly apologizing to Sarah who walked away from her.


After a bit of investigation, Lois and Clark find that more couples who have been to Larry Smiley’s couple camp have also disappeared recently. The situation gets more intense when Perry and Alice also disappear. An old Irish friend of Lois shows up in Metropolis and it is clear that he is head-over-heel in love with her.

When he has a heart-to-heart with his son on their front stoop.

After causing an embarrassing scene at the welcome back party for Sacks that landed on the front page of Metropolis Inquisitor newspaper, Stern fired the couple from the Planet. Lois was then kidnapped by Maxwell Lord, who intended on uncovering the true identity of the Blur by exploring her mind, but she subconsciously fought his powers. Despite Lois hinting that she knew the truth, Clark denied it and Chloe helped Clark hide his identity by phoning Lois as the Blur while she was with Clark. Confused, she admitted to her therapist that she was silly to believe that Clark was the Blur. At the Daily Planet, Clark asked Lois to meet him in the copy room. Clark confirmed to her that he had in fact been keeping a secret from her and revealed to her that he needed to wear glasses.

Over the next several weeks Lois begins to search for Clark’s identity, by tracking down his activities in the past few years. Lois eventually arrives in his hometown Smallville and speaks with his mother Martha Kent. And after revealing to Lois about his father’s death, Lois decides to keep Clark’s identity a secret. On his return to Earth, he finds the world he left behind has changed in ways he did not expect.

In the season four finale “Commencement”, Lana is confronted by Jason’s mother Genevieve , who is also after the three stones of knowledge, and during a struggle Isobel comes forward and kills Genevieve. The resulting death of Genevieve, who was revealed to have been the cause for Isobel’s death centuries prior in the episode “Bound”, releases Isobel’s control over Lana. In season 6, the relationship between Clark and Lois is still undefined for the audience. Erica Durance described the relationship between Clark and Lois in season six as something neither character wanted to put an official label on. Durance believes that Clark and Lois are satisfied with identifying with a “brother-sister friendship” label, rather than trying to discover how they both truly feel about each other. Writer Brian Peterson describes Lois’ relationship with Oliver Queen in season six as a precursor to her future relationship with Clark.

This season, Lois and Clark officially begin a romantic relationship, while Lois also begins assisting “The Blur” in his heroic endeavors. Lois’s trust in Clark is shaken when she thinks Clark is jealous of her relationship with “The Blur”, and that he does not understand her need to find value in her own life’s work. Ultimately, Lois deduces Clark’s true identity as “The Blur” in the season nine finale.

Believing that it was Oliver, Lois kissed the Green Arrow, unaware that it was actually Clark. After Oliver appeared next to the costumed Clark, Lois slapped Clark and he sped away. When he took off his disguise, he was surprised at Lois’ actions, but also visibly pleased. Lois later declared the Green Arrow a fabulous kisser, even better than Oliver. At the start of the show, Lana Lang is characterized as the girl next door. As Kreuk describes her, she is the “beautiful, popular girl who is really lonely”.

Eventually Lana learns the truth about Clark and they get back together. “It’s the story that drives the whole season,” Fletcher says. That starts with Lois’ central dilemma, in which the pull to protect her family butts up against her commitment to bringing the truth to the people. As Clark hilariously lampshades, he and Lois have handwaved away their fair share of journalistic ethics when it came to protecting his secret identity.


It features a young Clark Kent, new to his powers, as he builds his secret Superman identity and embraces his role as the hero of Metropolis and the world, and Lois as a star investigative journalist. Sharing adventures, taking down bad guys, all the while falling in love with each other. In the 2019 crossover “Crisis on Infinite Earths”, Lois and Clark are married and is living on Argo City with their infant son Jonathan.

Lois, later, decided to move out of the Talon apartment and accepted Clark’s offer to live with him at the farm. However, Clark was clearly nervous about this and tried to discourage her. Being so close to Lois soon led to trouble when the reprogrammed Crystal of Knowledge sent Lois and Clark to the Phantom Zone. Lois was frightened to discover that she was in an alien dimension and relied on Clark for comfort. He reassured her that ” No one messes with Lois and Clark “.

Mia finds that she is unable to pull the trigger, the pimp takes the pistol back and knocks Mia unconscious. Oliver gets out of the car and he and Lois take out the men, escaping into a nearby alley with the pimp in pursuit. The gunfire noise coming through the ear-bud at the Good Morning Metropolis set attracts Clark’s attention and he rushes off to save Lois. Clark arrives just in time to step in between the gun-toting pimp and Oliver and Lois. Clark melts the gun with his heat vision and just barely catches a stray bullet before it enters Oliver’s head.



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